Mining brand perceptions from Twitter social networks
Aron Culotta, Jennifer Cutler, Marketing Science
Consumer perceptions are important components of brand equity and therefore marketing strategy. Segmenting these perceptions into attributes such as eco-friendliness, nutrition, and luxury enable a fine-grained understanding of the brand’s strengths and weakness. Traditional approaches towards monitoring such perceptions (e.g., surveys) are costly and time-consuming, and their results may quickly become outdated. Extant data mining methods are not suitable for this goal, and generally require extensive hand-annotated data or context customization, which leads to many of the same limitations as direct elicitation. Here, we investigate a novel, general, and fully automated method for inferring attribute-specific brand perception ratings by mining the brand’s social connections on Twitter.
Using a set of over 200 brands and three perceptual attributes, we compare the method’s automatic ratings estimates with directly-elicited survey data, finding a consistently strong correlation. The approach provides a reliable, flexible, and scalable method for monitoring brand perceptions, and offers a foundation for future advances in understanding brand-consumer social media relationships.
author = {Aron Culotta and Jennifer Cutler},
title = {Mining brand perceptions from Twitter social networks},
journal = {Marketing Science},
year = 2016,
note = {(to appear)}